GridON was founded by a team of competent entrepreneurs and technologists with extensive experience in building companies from a product concept to publicaly traded corporations. We have been highly innovative, fast-moving and continuously responsive to the market needs.
GridON accumulated over 10 years in research and development of fault current limiting technologies – from saturated core based FCL products through breakthrough power-electronics semiconductor based FCLi systems. GridON filed for numerous patents, several of which already granted. GridON’s products have been manufactured by subcontractors, under GridON’s close supervision and support. GridON has partnered with Australian based
Wilson Transformer Company - a shareholder and engineering and manufacturing partner - to introduce its world-class portfolio of FCL products to the market. The FCLi products are being manufactured by a local subcontractor.
GridON’s FCL systems are installed in live networks as of 2013. The newly released FCLi systems were already ordered by
Western Power Distribution and
UK Power Networks , and is currently operating flawlessly in a live network. The successful operation of the systems in live networks is a strong testament to the unique capabilities of GridON's products and to the growing acceptance of this new solution for fault mitigation. GridON is currently engaged with transmission and distribution network operators worldwide, as well as with independent power producers and industrial customers.
GridON is currently in development of another power electronics fault current limiter which will address high voltage networks up to 38kV, and much higher power. This novel system will enable the connection of substation sections, and cost-effective DG connection in high voltage, allowing for increased power supply in the distribution grid and for large scale generation connection to the transmission grid.
In an effort to expedite the introduction and deployment of its fault mitigation products, GridON has been looking to collaborate with strategic industry partners, large engineering consulting firms, and other stakeholders.
GridON is engaged with leading industry forums and organizations, including Cigre, EPRI and IEEE/PES, and has been an active member of the IEEE FCL workgroup PC37.302 which issued an official guideline for fault current limiting technologies.
GridON was elected to the Global Cleantech 100, and won the UK Energy Innovation Award for the Best Energy Network Improvement. Topping thousands of other innovative technologies, GridON was also the proud recipient of the GE ecomagination Powering-the-Grid award and the ACES Smart Grid award.
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